Maintaining topographic plan of the territory


Preparing classifiers and creating databases

Preparing and loading source data

Issuing fragments of the plan to consumers

Accepting and inspecting update results

Cutting-in fragments and editing the plan

Releasing scheduling bills of quantities


The technological line of CREDO software complex is intended for conducting large-scale digital topographic plans of settlement or enterprise territories and includes such systems as CREDO_DAT, TRANSFORM, CREDO LINEAR SURVEY and CREDO CONVERTER.


  • Preparing a standardized classifier of topographic objects that are used at settlement or enterprise territory as well as the structure of geometric layers.
  • Creating corporate databases for maintaining the plan.
  • Preparing and loading bitmap and vector topographic materials.
  • Issuing fragments of the topographic plan to consumers.
  • Acceptance and monitoring of updated fragments of the topographic plan.
  • Cutting-in fragments and editing the plan of the territory or enterprise
  • Maintaning layot forms and issuing bills of quantities on the plan’s update.


During the process of implementing the technology of maintaining a digital topographic plan, for the purpose of removing the common issues, it is necessary to divide the territory into several conditional zones, for each of which a corporate data store is created. A certain number of projects are built in each zone, in which fragments of the digital terrain model (DTM) will be accumulated in separate sections, mainly within the framework of a 1:5000 — 1:10 000 table layout.

In order to ensure the consistency of data, the composition of the classifier is specified, the structure of geometric layers of a stardardized project with DTM and schemes for data export/import are created, a special project (form) for maintaining records on territory’s exploration state is prepared.


Existing «hard» plan sheets that can be scanned on any equipment can be used as source data. The resulting bitmaps are calibrated into the metric view in TRANSFORM program and are loaded into the data store.

If there are vector fragments of topographic plans in the formats of various CAD and GIS, these data can be converted into one format in CREDO CONVERTER with the use of import scheme settings.  After that, the data are divided into the assigned projects.


When operators recieve request for topographic map extract from surveying or engineering company, they load required projects to CREDO LINEAR SURVEY system and specify contour of output region. The contour cuts fragments from related projects and merges them into a single project. After that, the project which also includes bitmap data intended for issuance to the customer, is saved to the exchange format files.

The account of the issued fragments is maintained in the form with the indication of the intended use of the fragments. Additional monitoring is performed for the sites which were sent for update to survey organizations in order to prevent duplication of surveys.


The plan operator recieves data with updated fragments of the topographic territory plan directly from the surveying organizations or from the units which maintain Information System Designed for City Planning.

These data include both the survey raw data made in CREDO_DAT and the DTM with a fragment of the topographic plan. The raw data are used to verify the quality and accuracy of the conducted work, in some cases with the use of a field control.

The DTM fragment is loaded into CREDO LINEAR SURVEY together with the original projects. The system checks classifier objects for conformity, monitors composition of geometric layers in the project as well as topological correctness of linear and area objects and availability of semantic properties.


The obtained section of the updated DTM is cut into the existing projects. For this purpose, fragments of the relief surface and area topographical objects are combined and parts of linear objects are merged. For manual or semi-automatic insertion of a DTM fragment, a convenient tool for editing the surface of relief, linear, area and point topographic objects was developed.
As a result, corresponding changes are made within the boundaries of existing projects, after that the original projects are written to the data store for further use. After monitoring the survey results and inserting the data into the original projects, the necessary changes are made to the form for conducting the topogeodetic exploration of the territory.


Maintaining form in an additional project in CREDO LINEAR SURVEY allows you to create reports with data on areas of work performed during a specific period, including metadata on the organizations and duration of work, title lists and other semantic information The report template editor allows you to customize the output documents in accordance with your requirements.


The digital terrain model, created in the CREDO software complex during the maintenance of the plan, is a high-quality and effective basis for updating medium- and small-scale digital maps used in enterprise management or in the development of a territory.

The availability of a wide range of exchange formats allows organizing an effective data exchange with Information Systems Designed for City Planning created on the basis of any GIS.  This exchange ensures document circulation, which is carried out in the process of issuing / accepting engineering survey materials and the results of pre-construction surveys.
The digital terrain model is equally convenient when used as source data both in performing surveys and for engineering and construction design of objects of any purpose. The high-quality tools for editing the DTM provide means for an effective maintenance of the topographic plan of the territory.
